Here are a couple of quick reminders. We will be starting a new adult Bible class this Sunday, September 22nd, at 9:30 AM, entitled “Unlocking The Mysteries of Genesis”, in which we will explore some of the controversial issues regarding Creation, Evolution, the Flood, etc. Bring your curiosity, and bring a friend!
We will also be starting our “traditional” Fall series of sermons on September 22. As you recall, for the past three years, we have spent several weeks during the Fall focusing on a familiar Bible passage. Over the last three years, we have already explored The Lord’s Prayer, The 23rd Psalm, and The Beatitudes. Any guesses as to what this year’s scripture will be? Here’s a hint: you have probably heard this passage read at almost every wedding you have ever attended. So, bring your curiosity, and bring a friend!
Many thanks to all who took the opportunity to invite someone to join them here at National Back To Church Sunday this past week. I know that many of the people we invited did not come, and that can be a disheartening feeling. But, isn’t it interesting that The Holy Spirit, looking ahead 2000 years, knew that some of us at TOCC might be needing a bit of encouragement on this issue, and so inspired The Apostle Paul to include this in a letter he wrote to some Christians who were stumbling a bit: “Don’t allow yourself to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!” – Galatians 6:9 [The Passion Translation].
I needed to hear that today. Some of the other versions of this verse indicate that the harvest will come IF we don’t get discouraged and give up. I also needed to hear that today, because my default status is to do exactly that - give up when things don’t happen in the way I desire them to go, or at the speed I desire them to go. It is good to be reminded that God is in control, and that God has been at work in ways and in places that I cannot know and cannot see, and that God is still working.
So, my friends, let us continue working and praying, and making ourselves available to be used by The Holy Spirit. And, let us renew our commitment and renew our courage - perhaps the harvest is closer than we think!
~Shepherd Ambrose Ramsey