Tammany Oaks Church Of Christ

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"What Are You Hungry For?"

How many of us have had a conversation with somebody that went like this:

"What do you want for lunch?"

"Oh, I don't care; whatever you want."

"How about a burger?"

"Nah, not hungry for a burger; but whatever you want."

And on it goes, right? Some people just don't know what they want; they don't know what they're hungry for.

What is it that you are hungry for? Oh sure, there are those who actually are driven by a hunger for money, power, fame, pleasure, and other such things. But maybe most people are hungry instead for things like comfort, community, companionship, stability, acceptance - the kinds of things that should be found in a family - the kinds of things that better be found in a church, and, more specifically, in our church.

But hungering and thirsting for "righteousness" or "justice" must take us deeper than simply being a welcoming place. How does TOCC respond to inequality and injustice? How do we show support for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are innocently killed? How do we respond to violence against religious communities, or to hatred against the religious communities right here in Mandeville? What do we do? What do we say?

Perhaps it is time for conversation - that is, if we're hungry.

Ambrose Ramsey | Pastor and Shepherd | Throwback to October 2018